Written by an anonymous reader of the weekly Dynamis Drop | May 30, 2024
All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had. —Acts 4:32
Reading God’s Word and having Him speak to you through it can be a treasured and priceless moment. When God guides you and allows you to live out what He has spoken into your life, words can’t describe the blessing that comes from it. A while back, such a blessing fell upon me on a day when I needed it most.
On this particular day, I got word of a financial crisis and the devastating impact it would have on my family, leaving us in a place of complete uncertainty about what the future holds. Questions abounded; Do we have enough in savings to weather this storm? How will this impact our retirement? Will we even be able to retire? How will we pay our expenses? What expenses do we need to cut back? Will we be able to keep our home? In the face of all these questions, we are also trying to cope with a swirl of emotions; sadness, doubt, fear and anxiety, to name a few.
While still sorting through all that had happened, I realized I had to leave immediately for work. My wife, still showing her caring nature, even in a crisis, was concerned because I had not yet eaten anything that day, and I was heading out the door for what was sure to be a long day ahead. There was no time to prepare a meal, and we had nothing available in the home to grab and go. She reached into her wallet, took out the last bit of money, and urged me to stop on the way to work to pick something up. I knew this was money we would need, but she made me promise that I would take care of myself and eat.
I honored her request and stopped momentarily to get a light meal. I drove to a parking lot, where I hoped I could retreat for just ten minutes from the day’s drama and eat my meal. Before unpacking my food, I began to pray, still giving thanks for what I was about to eat and for what little we had from the crisis of the day. As I was praying I heard a tap on my window. There was a man standing next to my car, asking if I could help. Both he and his wife were passing through town, on their way to a relative’s house where they would be living until they got back on their feet. They were homeless and hungry, and she was pregnant. He said she hadn’t eaten anything that day and again asked if I could help him provide for his wife.
I immediately packed up my lunch and gave it to him. I told him to hold tight and I would be right back. I went to an ATM and grabbed a few dollars for them to get safely to their destination. As I pulled my car up next to theirs, I noticed the wife eating the food. By her handling of the meal, I could tell it had been some time since she last ate. My heart broke for them. I now stood outside of their car and began to pray for them. I prayed for their meal, I prayed for their travels, and I prayed for new beginnings for their life.
As they drove off and I returned to my car, I once again began to thank the Lord for what I still had. Somehow as only God can, He took a little I had and did God sized things with it. I thanked Him for showing me His provisions in action. As it turned out, in the midst of a financial crisis, God still provided enough for my family and even used me as a vessel to provide for another. That day Lord gave me a lesson on the spirit of generosity through trusting His provisions.