Written by Dynamis Ministries | May 16, 2024
The movie Braveheart is a historical epic film that is loosely based on the story of Scotland’s fight for independence against England in the 13th century. While nearly 30 years old, it is still regarded as an iconic film because of its cinematography, soundtrack and inspiring “David vs. Goliath” underdog story.
In one battle scene in particular William Wallace, the leader of the men of Scotland, outwits the army of England by luring them to charge the ragtag company of uneducated and undertrained peasants where traps were set to disarm the mighty army. The scene depicts the Scots standing their ground while men clattered in armor and riding on horseback charge forward. Fear and anxiety cover the faces of Wallace’s men as the army barrels down, yet they don’t budge. The horsemen get closer, the peasant soldiers tremble, yet they continue to hold their ground. They stand firm. Finally, just as it appears as if England will run right through them, Wallace’s men expose the traps and win the battle.
This scene is a powerful depiction of what it looks like to stand firm. Despite fear, anxiety and uncertainty, the Scots don’t move. Despite the odds that were stacked against them, they held their ground. In the face of defeat, they continued to stand firm. It takes a lot of courage and conviction to stand firm in life, no matter what the situation. It can be a personal quality that can be used for a lot of good in the world. It can even show up in the generosity space. In the book of Isaiah in God’s Word, the prophet contrasts a foolish person to a righteous person, and of a righteous person he says, “But generous people plan to do what is generous, and they stand firm in their generosity,” (32.8 NLT).
A righteous person, a generous person, they stand firm in their generosity.
Generosity should be something we prioritize in our lives, regardless of what kind of time gifts or resources we may be able to offer. It shouldn’t be an afterthought, nor should it be something we are coerced into doing. Yet prioritizing generosity can stretch our comfort zones and challenge our faith in tremendous ways. Because of this, choosing to be generous can sometimes be a scary undertaking. Sometimes it comes with trepidation. This is why we need to be reminded to stand firm.
Committing to tithe to our church or giving regularly to a cause we care about when our financial situation may be unstable can be daunting and requires a leap of faith. Stand firm.
Carving out time in our schedule to serve may expose us to pain and brokenness that we aren’t even sure we have the emotional capacity to endure. Stand firm.
Stepping out to develop some of our spiritual gifts or natural abilities may require us to face our own insecurities, which can be uncomfortable. Stand firm.
Living a generous life will indeed lead to a life of joy, but that doesn’t mean being generous is always easy. It’s okay if generosity is hard at times. It’s okay if it’s uncomfortable, or even scary. These experiences don’t mean that it’s wrong. Be encouraged today to stand firm in your generosity. Regardless of the kind of opposition we are facing in our generosity story today, continue to stand firm. God is faithful to provide for our needs, and this assurance can give us the strength to remain faithful in our generosity. Stand firm!